Impact: having a strong effect on something or someone; to influence or alter.
Causing impact can be misunderstood. Some believe that in order to cause impact, one must have a lot, or be known by many. The truth is, you cause the greatest impact when you are, you; regardless of your position or possessions.
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them:
Romans 12:6
God has placed gifts, talents, and ideas in all of us. When used under His leadership, those gifts can cause great impact in the lives of others, for the kingdom of God. However, impact cannot occur in our inactivity. This is not to say that we have be overly busy, in order for God to be glorified, or to cause impact. It is simply important to remember that God has placed treasure in us. He wants what He has placed in us to be poured out in the Earth.
Those that need to experience God the most, may not ever step inside the comfort of a church building. However, they may experience Him through your book, business, art, talent, gift, or expertise. What's in you, could change the lives of millions of people. Even if your impact effects one single life, the ripple effect could be astronomical. Think about it. What if the treasure that's hidden in you, changes the life of the inventor of the cure for cancer?
There are several different types of people on the planet. The people that God designed you to share your gifts with, are not the same as any one of your family or friends. It is impossible to make a difference in the lives that we are called to impact, by being a replica of someone else.
The way that God designed you, is the person that the world needs. The ability to embrace your identity for impact, eliminates the need for jealously. It also encourages the celebration of the gifts and talents in others. This is important because, although we are all different, we all have the same goal. That goal is to look like Christ and make His name great in the Earth.
There are people that need someone to make a difference in their lives, and you are that person. Embrace your identity to make great impact. Embrace your difference, so you can make a difference. Your impact is needed.
For Reflection
What gifts and talents has God blessed me with?
Am I being a good steward of these gifts and talents?
How can I use my gifts and talents to cause impact?
Has God called me to a specific demographic of people? If so, what is it?
In what way can I make God's name great in the Earth?
Romans 12:6