Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (CSB)
Paul is writing to call to remembrance the importance of resurrection, specifically the resurrection of Christ.
In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul reiterates that the death and resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christianity.
At the end of chapter fifteen, Paul encourages them to be steadfast, immovable, and always excelling in the Lord's work.
Steadfast: fixed in purpose
Jesus was steadfast, fixed in purpose.
His purpose was to come to Earth, die on a cross, be buried, and rise from the grave.
He never wavered in His purpose.
He lived on Earth, fully God and fully man.
In fixed purpose, He experienced hunger, pain, grief, and rejection.
His magnificent purpose, made eternal life available to all who believe.
Immovable: Firmly persistent
In death, he was immoveable.
He was firmly persistent to stay on the cross, and die for the sins of humanity.
In His deity, he could have called for angels to rescue him, but He did not.
Excel: to surpass others; do extremely well
The work of the cross, excels all other gods.
There is no god that compares to the one true and living God.
There is no other god that came to Earth, lived, died for our sins, and rose again from the dead.
There is no other way to be saved than through Jesus.
The very character of God surpasses all other gods.
Jesus has given us a perfect example.
He was steadfast, fixed in purpose; as He experienced all the challenges that come with living as a human on Earth.
He was immovable, firmly persistent; on the cross until death.
He excelled all other gods, in His resurrection from the dead.
He has given us an example of how to remain fixed in purpose and firmly persistent, no matter what.
He has shown us that being steadfast and immovable is possible.
He demonstrated the importance of excelling in God's work.
If Jesus did not excel by raising from the dead, there would be no gift of eternal life available for us.
Let us be steadfast in our purpose.
Let us be immovable in fulfilling God's agenda on Earth.
Let us always excel in the work that we've been called to, because our obedience affects more than just us.
There will be challenges.
There may even be tears.
Nevertheless, in Christ there will always be victory.
With God all things are possible.
We can be confident in this, because Jesus did it first.
He is our perfect example.
For Reflection:
Are there areas in my life for me to become steadfast?
Are there areas in my life for me to be immovable?
How can I excel in the Lord's work?
How can I apply Jesus' example to my everyday living?
1 Corinthians 15:58
Matthew 19:26