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I Will Be Single

Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson

The way that we receive information has advanced tremendously in recent years.

There was a time where obtaining information required significant effort. In some instances, we had to travel to the library to borrow a book for research. In other instances, we sought the opportunity to unlock wisdom from an in-person conversation.

Now, unlimited information is at our fingertips. Directions to a mall in another state, the weather for next week, the menu for our favorite restaurant, the location of our colleague's vacation, and the date for the next conference, are available in seconds.

Advances in technology have not only made obtaining information convenient, it has also created a wide variety of things for us to attend to. As a result, it has created an increased need to be single.


Single: exclusively attentive


In the fourth chapter of Proverbs, Solomon imparts wisdom to his son that is beneficial for all of us. In verse 25 he teaches the importance of being single.

Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead.

Proverbs 4:25 (CSB)

In a world that grabs our attention from every direction, we have to be intentional about fixing our gaze on God. We have to be determined not to allow the convenience the world has provided, to be catastrophic to our relationship with God.

Living and learning from convenience is not wrong. In fact, God has called some to the advancement of information technology. However, we have to remember that God is the standard. God is the reward. He is the source, and everything and everyone else is a resource.

Any information that that we receive should be filtered through the word of God and His design and purpose for our life, not anyone else's life.

There are so many good things to attend to and participate in. Yet we have the responsibility to ask ourselves, if this good thing is the God thing that I've been called to.

We have to be single, exclusively attentive to God. If not, we can be subtly and unintentionally pulled away from the path and purpose that God designed for our lives.

Singleness of attention in this information age, does not happen by accident. It requires intention and an uncompromising commitment to guard our gaze. It requires both action and declaration against distraction.

"I will be single in my pursuit of God"

"I will be single in my calling and assignment"

"I will be single about my forward progress, and not distracted by my past"

"I will be single in my resolve to give back to God what He has placed in me"

"I will be single in the stewardship of my time, talent, and treasure."


Let us be balanced and sober with the information we are offered. Let us be intentional about guarding our gaze and avoiding distraction. Although we are offered so much to attend to, let us remain exclusive in our attention to God. He is the only one true and living God. He is the only one that gave His son to die in our place. Therefore, He alone is worthy of our undivided attention and our commitment of singleness.


For Reflection

  1. How does having information at my fingertips affect my daily decisions?

  2. Are there any ways that the advances in technology encourage my singleness to God?

  3. What guards do I have in place to protect me from distraction?

  4. Am I single?


Proverbs 4:25


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