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God Is: Immutable

Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson

Immutable: Changeless; Unable to change


Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Hebrews 13:8


He will always take care of us:

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

Psalms 37:25

His divine intentions toward us will never change:

But the Lord’s plan stands forever; what he intends to do lasts from one generation to the next.

Psalms 33:11

He will always be with us:

But the Lord is the one who is marching before you! He is the one who will be with you! He won’t let you down. He won’t abandon you. So don’t be afraid or scared!”

Deuteronomy 31:8

For this reason, we don't have to concern ourselves with the unknown. He is never surprised by what happened, nor will he be unprepared for what's coming.


If uncertainty arises about today, remember who God was yesterday.

If the cares of tomorrow attempt to creep into our present, focus on who He is right now.

With intentional application of this truth, all questions will quickly turn into declarations.

"Come what may, God in his immutable character will be there, in every circumstance."

"God is prepared to take care of all things concerning me, because He is the beginning and the end of all things"


It is God's immutability, His consistency, His faithfulness, that produces confidence in us.

A confidence that produces rest.

We can rest assured that He will always be God, and in Him is everything we will ever need.


For Reflection

  1. God's immutability can produce confidence, peace, and rest when I trust that He is prepared to take care of all things concerning me.

  2. The unknowns of my life are not a challenge for God because of His immutable character.

  3. God's intentions toward me are pure and will never change.


Psalms 37:25

Psalms 33:11

Deuteronomy 31:8

1 comentário

Carolyn Gooden
11 de jan. de 2019

Call and response opening drew me in. Thank you.


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