Several years ago I took my son to a lab to have his blood drawn. His name was called and I carried him into this examination room decorated specifically for young children. The nurses educated me on the process. I was informed that both of his arms would be assessed, in order to determine the best source for the blood draw.
I laid my nine month old son on an exam table that folded down from the wall, similar to a changing table. He looked at me and smiled, comforted by my presence. The nurse proceeded to strap each of his arms to a board. Both arms were restrained straight out to his side.
Almost immediately, I was nearly overcome with emotion. One of the nurses attempted to comfort me. "It's ok. It will be quick. He will be fine." Although her intentions were pure, the nurse misunderstood the reason for my tears.
At that time, my son was my only child. My tears were not because he had to have blood drawn. I cried, because it was in that moment, that I got it.
As I looked into the eyes of my only begotten son, it clicked. My heart was overwhelmed by the depth of love and magnitude of sacrifice made for me.
With a tear stained face, I looked at him restrained in the position of the cross. My mind attempted to process how much I loved him. I could not fathom the idea of volunteering his life for the people in the room, let alone for the sins of the entire world.
Never breaking the gaze on my son, I silently confirmed in my heart, what God was fully aware of.
"God, you really gave your son for me."
For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
The blood was drawn. I removed the restraints, picked up my son, and I left with him.
God didn't make the same choice.
He didn't remove the nails.
He left His son on the cross to die for me, for you, for us, for them.
Let us never forget the greatest expression of love, God giving his only son to die in our place. There is no greater love.
It is because of that love, that He alone, is our everlasting valentine.
For Reflection
How can I live my life in gratitude for God's everlasting expression of His love for me?
If I were the only person on Earth, Jesus would have died for me.
John 3:16