Has someone ever said something hurtful to you that took your breath away? The words felt like a stab wound that would have caused internal bleeding, if the wound was in your natural body.
The words that were spoken pierced your heart like a sword; so deep that you didn't believe that you would recover, but you did.
You healed, but you healed with the imprints of the words etched on your heart. The words have left behind rejection, abandonment, and hopelessness. Frustration is also involved because it seems that no matter how strong the effort, the words will not erase from your heart.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" they said. The results are in, and that phrase has been found to be 100% false, words do hurt.
Words from people that hold significant roles in our lives seem to hurt worse. The words combined with the disappointment of the identity of person speaking the words, can be difficult to comprehend.
Questions: Why would you say that to me? That's how you feel about me? Those are the words you use to describe me?
As painful as this experience can be it's important to ask one more question. This question is self-directed.
What if they are wrong?
When words are spoken, they can cut deep. If this question is not asked we can go on to live a life based on wrong words spoken over our lives.
If we live as though they were right, we live as if we are rejected, abandoned, and hopeless.
But.. What if they were wrong?
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
There is a Word that will pierce our heart. The difference is that this sword heals and brings life. It can see what's really in our hearts and bring healing and correction in love.
This Word will reach the deepest parts of our heart and erase the lies and replace them with truth.
This Word provides a healing so deep and thorough that it motivates forgiveness.
This Word is the Word of God.
It is an unfortunate guarantee that in this life, someone will say something hurtful to us. However, we have an answer for healing.
Instead of bleeding out over everything and everyone, we have to allow the Master Physician to heal us with His Word.
The Word of God will speak life and truth to our heart. When needed it will correct in love, and motivate maturity and growth in our relationship with Him.
Make the the Word of God the standard so the counterfeit words can be recognized when they are offered as truth in our lives.
For Reflection
Have I been wounded by the words of another? Am I still bleeding?
Do I believe that the words of God are able to heal my pain?
God's word is forever true, am I willing to make His word the standard for my life?
Hebrew 4:12